カテゴリー ハトの品種

  • チーム・デ・ウィールドの勝者


    Team de Weerd "の名でレースに参加した鳩たち リング番号(血統書) ポジション Rayon 3 Pigeons Rayon 3 Position Provincial Pigeons Provincial Race / Competition Distance Date 3-9366066 1 エース鳩 2.171 1エース鳩 ACE PIGEON SHORT DISTANCE (Vitesse) 150km300km 13/07/24 4-8465059 1エース鳩 2.406 1エース鳩 ACE PIGEON YOUNG BIRDS (General) 150km450km 14/09/24 4-8465006...

  • ステファン・ランブレヒト

    Stefaan Lambrechts Because Henk is always on the lookout for reinforcement of his breeding centre,he stepped into his car and travelled to Berlaar in Belgium, where he bought 40pigeons from young bird specialist Stefaan Lambrechts. His reasoning was notonly based on the excellent achievements of Stefaan himself, but certainly also onthe long list of references…

  • レオ・ヘレマンス

    Leo Heremans If there is one person who has sound instincts for pigeons, it is Leo Heremans fromthe town of Vorselaar in Belgium. Starting in the 1980s and on to his record sales in2013, Leo dominated short distance racing in the Kempen region, especially in thehighly competitive combines Zesverbond and Tienverbond, though he also had…

  • ギャビー・ヴァンデナベール

    Gaby vandenabeele Previous Next Gaby Vandenabeele is a name synonymous to success in great middle distance and long distance races (500 – 800 km). Since his rapid ascent to the top in the 1980s, Gaby has achieved not only seven national and 100 provincial victories in his own loft, but also aided many other fanciers…

  • ガストン・ファン・デ・ヴーワー

    Gaston van de Wouwer Super breeding cocks, cocks that are able to produce several generations of goodpigeons with different hens, are as rare as white ravens. Gaston van de Wouwer, fromBerlaar in Belgium, had the luck to acquire such a “white raven” from the late JozefGoovaerts (Berlaar, Belgium). BE98-6335690 was named after the profession of…