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About Vaccines for Viral Diseases and Paratyphoid (Bacterial) When writing an article about pigeon diseases these days, it’s impossible to avoid discussing Paratyphoid, which has been one of my focal points for over 50 years. During that time, I’ve witnessed countless cases of this disease, not only in Europe but in all continents where I…
DEADLY E.COLI INFECTIONS IN GERMANY Sick pigeons following exhibitions For several years now, we have been consulted by German pigeon fanciers in particular, who have had big problems during and after exhibitions and not only with their exhibited pigeons.The problem especially occurs with various kinds of show pigeons, some species seem more sensitive than others….
A HIVE OF ACTIVITY IN THE PIGEON PRACTICE It seems that the health problems of our pigeons this year are more serious than in previous years! We are overwhelmed by requests for help from all over the world. Especially by phone, but also via emails with pictures and videos of pigeons with problems, and of course in the clinic….
RIDDLES IN PIGEON RACING Incomprehensible losses with young pigeons One of the great riddles in our beautiful sport is the incomprehensible losses of young pigeons. Of course, young go missing when they don’t fly enough and build up too little experience and ‘orientation’. And if they’re weak, sick or nauseous, it’s easier to lose them. Once they’ve…
LOOKING BACK AT THE SEASON Coccidosis problems Looking back at the season, we can conclude that there wasn’t much news from a medical point of view. On the understanding that due to the high rainfall and therefore high humidity in certain months, full-blown coccidiosis problems arose. Something we hadn’t actually seen in years.Many thought that coccidiosis wasn’t a problem…