
About Vaccines for Viral Diseases and Paratyphoid (Bacterial) When writing an article about pigeon diseases these days, it’s impossible to avoid discussing Paratyphoid, which has been one of my focal points for over 50 years. During that time, I’ve witnessed countless cases of this disease, not only in Europe but
NL23-9366000 ♀ SOLD 上一頁 下一頁 NL23-9366000 ♀ Genetics of:Leo Heremans, Stefaan Lambrechts, Marcel Wouters & Dirk van Dijk 她是(半)姐妹: 塞瑪斯(Sermaises)1位 - 1.133羽 夏特魯(Chateauroux)2位 - 125羽 省賽9位 - 652羽 國家賽16位 - 2.396羽 魁夫蘭(Quievrain)7位 - 1.991羽 8位
NL23-9366695 ♀ - SOLD 上一頁 下一頁 NL23-9366695 ♀遺傳的:G. & S. Verkerk, Kris Cleirbaut x Dr. de Weerd 鴿子。 她是(全)姐妹:維爾松2位 - 567羽 省賽7位 - 2.827羽 佩里格4位 - 71羽 省賽7位 - 346羽 蘇亞克5位 - 102羽
NL23-9366807 ♂ - SOLD 上頁 下頁 NL23-9366807 ♂ Genetics of:Stefaan Lambrechts, Willy Daniels & Rik Hermans.他是(同父異母)兄弟:諾永 3位 - 694羽 5位 塞爾邁斯 - 1.302羽 9位 布日 - 603羽 82位 省賽 - 4.653羽 261位 國家賽 - 19.369羽 24位 奎夫蘭 - 1.003羽
NL23-9366813 ♀ - SOLD 上一頁 下一頁 NL 23-9366813 ♀ 屬性:J. Rockx, Peter van der Merve & Dr. de Weerd 鴿子 她是(全)姐妹:蘇亞克省1位 - 59羽 省2位 - 429羽 國家4位 - 4.827羽 蓋雷省2位 - 252羽 省17位 - 4.827羽
NL 23-9366860 ♀ - SOLD 上頁 下頁 NL 23-9366860 ♀ Genetics of:Gaby Vandenabeele, Stefan Steenbergen & Roger Buvens.她是以下姊妹(同父異母):Bierges - 3.354羽2名 Quievrain - 2.604羽3名 Chateaudun - 942羽4名 National Sl.- 5.847羽 7位 Chateaudun - 942羽
NL 23-9366866 ♀ - SOLD 上一頁 下一頁 NL 23-9366866 ♀ 屬性:Dr. de Weerd Pigeons, Stefaan Lambrechts & Alfons Klaas 她是(半)姐妹: 馬克斯鴿舍(Pont st. Max) 1位 - 4.781羽 1位 豐特奈(Fontenay) 1.863羽 2位 梅倫(Melun) 1.407羽 2位
NL 23-9366869
NL 23-9366869 ♀ - SOLD 上一頁 下一頁 NL 23-9366869 ♀ 屬性:Stefaan Lambrechts & Dr. de Weerd 鴿子 她是以下鴿子的全姐妹:馬克斯"(Pont st. Max) 6位 - 2.289羽 魁夫蘭(Quievrain) 7位 - 4.430羽 魁夫蘭(Quievrain) 16位 - 2.289羽 魁夫蘭(Quievrain) 31位

回顧 Team de Weerd 的 2024 賽季
Looking back at the 2024 Season of Team de Weerd A stellar 2024 season for Team de Weerd. As we look back on the 2024 pigeon racing season, Team de Weerd has much to celebrate. This year has been marked by an incredible series of victories, personal bests, and high

Team de Weerd 的優勝者
our winners Racing under the name “Team de Weerd” Ring number(Pedigree) Position Rayon 3 Pigeons Rayon 3 Position Provincial Pigeons Provincial Race / Competition Distance Date 3-9366066 1 Ace pigeon 2.171 1Ace pigeon ACE PIGEON SHORT DISTANCE (Vitesse) 150km300km 13/07/24 4-8465059 1Ace pigeon 2.406 1Ace pigeon ACE PIGEON YOUNG BIRDS

Team de Weerd 的賽季開局令人印象深刻
Remarkable start to the season for Team de Weerd The 2024 racing season has begun spectacularly for Team de Weerd, showcasing consistent excellence and dominance across a series of competitive races. Here’s a detailed overview of our outstanding performance over the first ten races of the season: Race Highlights 20-04-24
Stefaan Lambrechts
Stefaan Lambrechts Because Henk is always on the lookout for reinforcement of his breeding centre,he stepped into his car and travelled to Berlaar in Belgium, where he bought 40pigeons from young bird specialist Stefaan Lambrechts. His reasoning was notonly based on the excellent achievements of Stefaan himself, but certainly also
Leo Heremans
Leo Heremans If there is one person who has sound instincts for pigeons, it is Leo Heremans fromthe town of Vorselaar in Belgium. Starting in the 1980s and on to his record sales in2013, Leo dominated short distance racing in the Kempen region, especially in thehighly competitive combines Zesverbond and
Gaby Vandenabeele
Gaby vandenabeele Previous Next Gaby Vandenabeele is a name synonymous to success in great middle distance and long distance races (500 – 800 km). Since his rapid ascent to the top in the 1980s, Gaby has achieved not only seven national and 100 provincial victories in his own loft, but
Gaston van de Wouwer
Gaston van de Wouwer Super breeding cocks, cocks that are able to produce several generations of goodpigeons with different hens, are as rare as white ravens. Gaston van de Wouwer, fromBerlaar in Belgium, had the luck to acquire such a “white raven” from the late JozefGoovaerts (Berlaar, Belgium). BE98-6335690 was
Morlincourt 15/06/24
第1名、第2名和第7名在2024年6月15日莫林古爾-諾永7555羽賽鴿比賽中,德威德團隊在 「2000年布拉班特 」第二區比賽中取得了非凡的成績。他們的三羽賽鴿在7555羽賽鴿中脫穎而出,獲得了令人印象深刻的名次:第一名、第二名、
德國致命的大腸桿菌感染 展覽後生病的鴿子 這幾年來,一直有德國的鴿友向我們咨詢,他們在展覽期間和展覽後出現了很大的問題,而且不僅僅是他們展覽的鴿子。
Problems with doping regulations Pigeon racing after WWII The time that certain ‘lofts’ later in the season (August/September) were flying stars from the sky, is already many years behind us. It started, like so much in pigeon racing, in Belgium. That’s also where the best pigeons come from, which is logical when you realize
START OF THE RACING SEASON The new racing season had barely just begun and after about four flights we see the first problems appearing again. As every year, these are the problems with the upper (front) respiratory tract. We have also come up with a name for it: ‘blocked nasal passage‘. Blocked
CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS Clinical diagnostics is one of my hobbyhorses. This means that based on the symptoms of the pigeon(s) plus the story (complaints) of the owner and the questions and answers about these complaints (anamnesis), you will look over several possible causes of the problems and come to a (probability) diagnosis.As there are so few veterinarians in the pigeon
PROBLEMS WITH BREEDING When breeding in February, we are regularly confronted with problems of various kinds. That starts with not laying on time. This should normally be about 10 days after pairing, but there are many reasons why this doesn’t always happen, for example fat hens, too young or too old
A LESSON IN CURRENT CLINICAL DIAGNOSTICS During this time of year (April/May) we are often consulted about specific problems with old and young birds! Whereas with the old pigeons after about four races we always have problems with the upper respiratory tract, with the young pigeons we mainly see gastrointestinal problems. Hot topic with
ASPERGILLOSIS IN PIGEONS Fungal This disease is caused in pigeons by the fungus Aspergillus fumigatus and in rare cases by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger.The fungus spreads by forming threads and can spread over a surface. Multiplication takes place by forming spores. These are tiny particles that spread through the air. It is
DEAD PIGEONS, A NIGHTMARE FOR EVERY PIGEON FANCIER Every day for the past 45 years, we have dozens of pigeon racers getting in contact from all over the world. There are very few things we are not asked, and we always listen seriously (sometimes in 5 languages) to the many problems. White
測試 pmv-皰疹疫苗
TEST PMV-HERPES VACCINE Herpes Results of a test undertaken on 3 lofts with an average of 100 youngsters last season in the Netherlands with the Czech combi vaccine Paramyxo-Herpes which is not registered in NL/B/DE etc., probably only in the Czech Republic.As I used to write about herpes vaccines, and that
(VETERINARY) MEDICINES Antibiotics are the most important group of medicines (veterinary medicines) in pigeon racing. Due to the way pigeon racing is conducted, there are enormous contamination possibilities, especially through the collective transportation that take place weekly during the pigeon season. Diseases such as ornithosis complex, trichomoniasis, E-coli infections, coccidiosis and worm infections are
MISINTERPRETATIONS OF LABORATORY RESULTS IN RELATION TO THE DIAGNOSIS As I pointed out and described before on a number of occasions, entirely incorrect assumptions are quite often put forward in the field of pigeon medicine. Pigeon medicine is very complicated, often incomprehensible to laymen, but, amazingly, equally so to many (pigeon) veterinarians
DOGGED MISUNDERSTANDINGS, DIFFERENCES OF OPINION AND CANDID ADVICE IN PIGEON RACING Because I am astonished to read the nonsense that some writers dare to preach about pigeon medicine and medical support, while not being hindered by any sign of knowledge in the field, I see it as my duty to guide readers and younger veterinarians through a maze of ingrained, incorrect
KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE Every day, we receive phone calls and emails, sometimes with photos and/or short films, about pigeon problems from around the world. Via WhatsApp, as well, we can quickly assess situations and sometimes establish diagnoses. In the past, when we only had the telephone, it was sometimes more
ABOUT PIGEON SHOWS AND VACCINES Kassel – Germany In October, the time of the large pigeon shows and markets started again in Kassel, Germany. The weather was nice and ‘die Taubenmesse’ was well-attended, it even seemed busier to me than last year. For us, such a happening is an indicator of what
一些針對 「目前 」病毒疾病的新疫苗在鴿子身上的使用經驗鴿子病毒性疾病
EXPERIENCES WITH SOME NEW VACCINES AGAINST “CURRENT” VIRUS DISEASES IN PIGEONS For some years now, combination vaccines have been available on the market against virus diseases such as Paramyxo, Herpes, Adeno. Circovirus vaccines are also offered for pigeons and there is also a new Paratyphoid vaccine. Combination vaccines RP The latest new
2020 年。
The year 2020 COVID-19 New EU regulations in 2021 The year 2020 will go down in history as the year of Corona. Corona viruses are nothing new, we already knew them from colds and from the respiratory diseases SARS and MERS, but this time we are dealing with a very annoying variant, namely COVID-19.